The Last in Line

The last in line is a actually the name of a Dio song about some wayward bunch of eccentric…somebodies seeking some truth of esoteric things to find out if their end result is that of evil or holy.  They are the last in line. My favorite line in the song is “we are the hand that writes and quickly moves away.” This is to suggest that they exist in the shadows somehow affecting change through some passive will. 
On a side note, as I wrote this post I’m not really sure which of the two blogs I will put it in.
My own experience with the last in line has been that of my childhood and teenage years that the last in line was arranged by pecking order. The cool kids, the popular ones, they were first in line. Everyone in the back of the line were the outcasts,  nerds, geeks, or anyone else that just didn’t fit in with anyone else or each other like the goths, freaks, metal heads, etc. In school the last in line was a safe place.  Going to the back was a good way not to draw attention to yourself. 
Now that I’m older the first in line are the ones that just got there first, and the last in line are the ones that were in no hurry, just figured they would have time to smoke a cigarette or something or, have a problem with punctuality. When I was in the army jumping out of planes, the first in line was the one that had to stand in an open door a thousand feet up for thirty seconds.
I had a dream once about being the last in line to be executed. In the dream I remember being stressed out because, not only was I going to be executed,  but I had to wait my turn. I attributed this dream to anxiety. 
In spite of all the variables that go into forming the line there is one cold hard yet, warm and fuzzy consistent truth, eventually,  we all make it to the front of the line.

Salutation Pending 
Johnny R Draper


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