The lost Left Sock
I once saw this episode of Ren and Stimpy where they found the mountain of lost left socks. I can’t really remember what all else happened in the episode that led them to the mountain of lost left socks but, it was then established that this was a universal problem among the human race that socks do indeed go missing, mysteriously even, to who knows where other than the mythical mountain of lost left socks. A lot of times it’s in the wash. I have personally placed even numbers of socks, confirming the count multiple times to still come out with a missing sock. Static sometimes dispositions them to a endoparasitoidal existence clinging to a towel or sweater but, in most cases it just simply vanishes. As a little side note. In my personal walk in life there is no left or right sock. They are universal in placement but, I know there are people out there who designate socks as left or right so I will not judge. My grandfather was one of those. So, while packing for vacation the whole ...