
I think it important for my first entry into this blog to give explanation as to why I chose the name "Tempest Penumbra." 
#1, tempest is the name of a Tool song on their new album. 
#2, my birth sign is a wind element.
A tempest, by definition is a violent windy storm. Penumbra, by definition Is the partially shaded region of the shadow cast by an opaque object. 
A tempest person would probably be best defined as someone who is short tempered and quick to argue in a violent display of mental aggression. I am not so much that. I am for the most part a quiet person.I withhold my judgement on most things till it is vital or productive or, unless I am prodded. Then I can be as harsh as any tempest person can be (to a flaw I'm sure).
The reason, however,  that I chose this name for my blog is because of my thirst for knowledge and the manner in which it builds this chaotic windy storm inside me (tempest, macrocosm) and, the balance within me to project this knowledge in a way that radiates in my aura,(penumbra, microcosm).
Once while cleaning out my garage I built a huge bonfire which my daughter loved. Me and her sat outside watching it as fifteen foot flames arose till they touched the tip of the mountain line in the distance and heat rippled the empty space all around.
We drink tea while I commenced to pile the junk on and every now and then the wind would blow the smoke toward us. When it did, I would close my eyes, hold my hand out, palm facing the smoke, and it would move away. It happened every time I did it. My daughter would giggle. It enhanced her amusement for the experience and her laughter warmed my heart.
Now, was I controlling the wind? Who knows. I've found that if you listen to nature long enough and feel it's song within you, then anticipation of the vibration in that melody is not hard.
Eliphas Levi talked of sorcery and did not seem to keen on forcing the will of nature. I guess I have my own reservations about it as well as justifications but, I do feel in my heart no need(not for me) for the exhortation of will upon something that gives of itself so sweetly.

I am Johnny R Draper, welcome to my blog.


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