Commutation: Collectables

the inclination to collect stuff is steepened by the monetary value of that being collected, as well as  the rite of showing off that which is collected. Then there is the personal satisfaction of just having cool toys to look at. People collect all kinds of things: antiques, old cars, stamps. My brother collects antiques. I have an uncle that collects old coffee pots, my dad collected Chevettes for a while. When I was a small child I collected trading cards for no reason at all that I can think of. Anyone that remembers Mork and Mindy, I had a whole set of those trading cards. In my teenage years I had a bullet collection. I really loved that collection too.
These days I mostly collect Magic the Gathering cards but, there was a time that I had a peculiar collection of things that I found on the side of the road. I had a bucket that I put all these things into. Of course, some things you can’t exactly bring home but, I will give you a list below of some of the things that I found, and you can decide what I brought home to the bucket and what I did not.
An unopen pack of cigarettes
A lighter
A complete change of cloths
A mostly naked homeless person
A litter of kittens
A stick of dynamite
A guitar pick
A crack pipe
A pad of sticky notes
A zippo lighter
A fishing lure
A hat
A headless barbie doll
An alligator clip with feathers hanging from it
A dead bat
A half-eaten bible
That is some of the things I can remember finding. I don’t know whatever happened to that collection. I haven’t seen it in forever same as those kittens. I don’t know what became of them. That homeless person didn’t belong to those cloths, different rode, different journey. For the record, to any local authorities that might be reading, I left that stick of dynamite right where I found it. 

Salutation Pending 
Johnny R Draper 


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