Commutation: Introduction

This is an introductory post for the commuter’s guide to my spiritual understanding, as it is, of roads. I do not have any idea how long this thread will continue, or if it will be broken by dead ends or an endless highway but, it will most likely just appear every time I take a notion to write about roads. Be that as it may, I already have three drafts ready for posts about roads.
The Roman’s built roads and conquered the world. In any war the question has always been, do we keep this road for our own logistics? Or, do we destroy it to keep our enemy’s from using it. Roads are the spider web of the world where civilization has grown from infancy to adulthood.
The way I see it, roads exist in two different worlds and, the differences in those worlds are in juxtaposed similarities of a special relativity, space-time kind of way. Those two worlds are called, the walking world, and the driven world. 
In the walking world the horizons change slowly. Every hill is felt in the leg muscles and on the soles of the feet. Everything is seen: the distance to come, the depth of the ditches, the width of the curb, every piece of trash dropped by passersby.
In the driven world all that is lost. Everything becomes curved: time, distance, but, the view of dimension is clearer. The far of mountains still never move. The meridian line never changes, grows closer, or further away. 
As the road signifies journey, so does this introduction and I am glad to have you walking by my side along the way, or in the passenger seat so, second star to the left….or right….I can’t remember which, and straight on till wherever.

Salutation Pending 
Johnny R Draper 


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