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When I was a teenager I played this game called Starflight on an old Commodore 64. It was state of the art at the time but like its nae sake it would soon become an endangered species. i couldn’t say whatever became of it. I’m sure all of its parts, components, and pieces have all dissipated in some way out of existence, recycled into something else to where no one would ever recognize it for what it once was.
The object of the game was to fly from planet to planet collecting resources while simultaneously working out the puzzle of the back story. While on a planets surface you would utilize the terrain vehicle. I remember it making this rather annoying vibrating sound while it worked its was across the surface like it was really working for it. It also had a scan option, and when you would tell it to scan you could here the processing working its little heart out. The longer and harder it worked, the more resources it would find.
I don’t remember the old commodore ever needing updates. I never was technology minded. My first computer was never hooked to the internet, so it never got updates. Not only do I not know whether or not it needed them, I didn’t even know there was such a thing.
When I got my first lap top and learned a few things I found that a computer was as much work as a pet. All those updates and patches seemed endless. Defragmentation. The cats are less work than that. I throw a cup of food in there bowl every now and then and their good. Plus, I don’t have to stand there and watch them eat just in case they need more. 
After that computer I went back to note books for a little while. My note books never needed updates, they never crashed or needed to be restored but, that was short lived. I finally got over my fear of technology and am actually efficient in my use and have managed to find joy in doing updates just to see what changed.
As for my note books, they are still great for brainstorming. As for my cats, they could use some kind of an update to keep them from playing in traffic.

Salutation Pending 
Johnny R Draper 


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