Skunk Story

My cats have this game they play where they set in the road and wait to see how close they can let a car get before they move. I’m not sure if winning the game means that you make it or that you don’t but, the code phrase for when I have to go retrieve their bodies from the road is “such and such named cat won the game.”
This morning, however, we had an unexpected winner. A skunk. This skunk (I assume it’s the same one), has been terrorizing my house for years. There was a certain rule that had to be followed. Never put food out for the cats late at night. This rule was often broken by many but never me directly and when this rule was broken,  the stench was unbearable for a couple of days.
When I got up this morning my daughter told me that after I make tea I needed to go see what they was laying dead on the road. I said that maybe it was a cat, she never replied but, I could tell looking at it from a distance that it wasn’t a cat. So I covered my mouth and nose to get a better look at the thing. That’s the first time I had seen one up close. Their kind of pudgy with little feet
 I don’t understand why my cats didn’t just kill it a long time ago. 
Anyway, it’s dead now. I don’t miss it but, it was kind of like an invisible unwanted pet. 

Salutation Pending 
Johnny R Draper


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