The Raining Tree

I’ve never really considered myself an animist, not intentionally but, then I guess that would be the whole point. Then, just mere awareness of the word and its meaning brings it into a natural light in consideration of coincidence of where the realization started and then came to fruition in that sense of awareness.
The strangest thing happened today. I was standing in my yard having my morning tea and cigarette when I heard two cats fighting. Of course, I knew they were my cats. Two particular tom cats that can’t get along and, I’m the only one around here with cats.
They had fought in the past but, this one sounded particularly bad and kind of final. The noises they were making gave me an eerie feeling. It didn’t last long and came to a sudden stop leaving this feeling of finality in the wake of the silence. 
After a moment one of them came out of the wood line and staggered through the yard. His eyes were beat closed, and his mouth was covered with blood. He staggered through the yard and came to the food bowl and tried to eat but couldn’t. After that he staggered up the road and went off into the woods.
I looked but, could not find any sign of the other cat. That wood line is pretty thick. Moments later dew started to fall from one of the trees in my yard. It fell in heavy drops that pounded the ground. I thought at first that it was raining but, it was not, and that was the only tree that was doing it. The sky hadn’t changed. The sun was still masked by silver clouds.
I don’t really know if these two events were connected. The Animist in me thinks so but I have still yet to understand the connection. Maybe the only connection is for me to realize the connection and to know that nature in itself is in tune in all ways.

Salutation Pending 
Johnny R Draper 


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