
Showing posts from December, 2019

Pet Elephants

Okay. I’m going to go out on a limb here and not research this piece before I write or post it. Due to the holiday’s, work, and illness I haven’t made a blog post in a couple of weeks so, I’m desperate and still don’t really have time to do much needed research. A good edit will be about as good as it gets. Elephants. Have you ever heard anyone make the statement “to address the elephant in the room?” it simply means that there is some kind of problem that exists that no one wants to address. Its big and everyone can see it, but no one wants to say it. Elephants are generally peaceful creatures that are not prone to aggression unless provoked and this is usually the result of a stampeding heard that has been spooked. There is always someone who wants to spook the elephants or address the elephant in the room. If you are one of these people you should keep in mind that spiritually speaking, elephants represent peace so, try to take into consideration the repercussions of your actions wh


I believe the brain and its thought processer, the mind, are far to vast and powerful for one simple personality. A single person should grow and develop multiple personalities for the sake of creative complexity. These multiples don’t have to be a disorder or a negative impact in any way. They can be your own fun little friends that live inside your head and make you smile. WARNING!!! Creating multiple personalities can cause symptoms of severe mental disorders such as schizophrenia, psychopathy, sociopathy. So, remember to tread lightly and develop positive attributes in these splinters of the psyche. You can even give them names and I’m sure there’s a “how to” guide. Salutation Pending Johnny R Draper, etc 

Smoke on the Tracks

I never really was one to run the railroad tracks or hobo trains. That was something the my uncles did, mostly for fun and to cut a little time of a walk that probably wouldn’t have took long any way, which brings it back to just being fun.  For a while though I found a little peace and comfort in stopping at the corner store, buying a cigar, and walking the track puffing on it. Back then a thirteen year old could buy tobacco products no problem and walking the tracks was a place where I could smoke it and no one could see.  The backroad I walked crossed back and forth over the tracks but there where places where you couldn’t see the tracks from the road.  Sometimes I would set on the bank and watch the train go by and count the cars. Most of the time there were one hundred and two, sometimes a few more, sometimes a few less.  I never tried to catch a ride on one though.  Jumping back off, by process, required a nice cushy briar patch to jump into. I hate briars, I fell into enough of

What Should Not Have Been

There are some thing, some styles, and just some ways in the way of fads that should never come back. The mullet is a good example of this. Parents don’t let your children get mullets. Let them shave it off, dye it green, whatever. The flat-top had more depth than the mullet. Disco. There’s another one. Nothing really great or enlightening ever came from disco. It was more like that pause you hear down in the sewers while you wait for the next person to flush. It was a decade left empty by the hippies once they figured out that they were adults and had to get a job. I’ve found that the things that have had the long-lasting effects are those things that no one can find fault in. Jazz for instance. You can hear elements of jazz in any style of music. Its that feeling of everything falling apart while melodically still being held together by an underlying pattern.  Chess is another one. The geometric strategy of this ancient game can be seen in so many modern games and, I bet you will nev

Zen Pyro

It says plainly in the instruction manual for a kerosene heater, for those who take time to read it, that you are supposed to turn off the heater before refilling it. I will admit, I have often violated this safety precaution. Now, I will share with you my observations of this infraction. Each time you squeeze the hand pump the flame rises about a quarter to a half inch. I imagine if you pumped it fast enough you could probably raise the flame to a significant length or intensity necessary to make the heater explode. So, if you do this, and I don’t recommend it, then you should probably go slow with it. Fire is probably most people’s favorite element; bonfires, cooking food, keeping warm. Water, I imagine would be the second; swimming, bathing, or just cooling down in general. People who prefer air tend to be…. breathing it so, enough said about that and, there probably isn’t a farmer out there who doesn’t have a lithomancer’s appreciation of the earth with passive regards to the other

The Return of the Sun

The word heliotheism comes to mind today. Heliotheism encompasses any religion where the central deity is the sun. Now, most of these religions were developed by desert people who probably didn’t see much in the way of winter but, every night for them would have been cold because the desert doesn’t really hold on to that humidity when the sun goes down so, the rising of the sun every morning would be a blessing.  The seasonal withholding of that great fiery orb Is even more special. I recall some February’s where the sun was obscured by clouds for so long that one might begin to forget it even existed then, alas, there it is bringing life to everything; flowers, tree blooms, the thawing of streams that they might flow freely and loud.   Mountain or tropical cultures, not lacking in appreciation of the sun’s rise, would be more inclined to designate tree gods or cave gods, etc., so on and, so forth. As for myself. On mornings such as this one was, I do find an extreme appreciation of th

Strange People

As the song goes, people are strange when you’re a stranger but, keep in mind that they are strangers themselves to you. I’ve heard it said about snakes that they are just as afraid of us as we are of them. I’ve found this to be true of spiders as well, and even doves, deer, skunks, people. Either way, we all share in common things with each other in that we have so much, not on common. One way to break the ice when faced with strangers is to do something really smart, or do something really stupid. Smarter is better but, stupid is more fun and its easier.  Salutation Pending  Johnny R Draper

Revenge of the Skunks

If a skunk runs when I come out the door, then it is clear that it knew that it was in violation of the laws that exist between nature and domestication.  So then If, while in retreat it sprays me, then that is an act of aggression. A blatant attack. Not only has it disregarded those laws by coming to my door and eating my cat food, it has also committed an act of war.  There are a few dead ones laying on the road leading to me house. I would be lying if I said that I didn’t laugh a little inside to see their awkward barreled bodies laying bloated in the road with their pathetic little feet sticking up in the air. I just love the smell of dead skunk in the morning.  Salutation Pending  Johnny R Draper 

The Caveman's Legacy

I remember the scrawling’s upon the walls, Of men’s and women’s bathroom stalls. What lay, left behind in the porcelain throne, Was only a bit cleaner. The grain of soft metal, Were hot water falls, only through,  And in the imagination, precipitation,  In a field of twisted stick figure angels,  Proscribed to a swirling flush and brush strokes divine. And I read, as I painted, over these words, Of these profits and prophetesses, Trolling over their etchings Of the obscene; the antics of their blessings void.

The Straitjacket

I read somewhere once that Goths are people who are darkly inclined and tend to like spooky stuff. If you are so darkly inclined then you’re are apt to wear black make-up and have a septum piercing. You might read horror stories and wish that every day was Halloween. In fact, the make-up style does indeed make every day Halloween for you. There is even a test you can take to see if you are a true Goth but, I don’t feel that a test is necessary. You are either Goth or you’re not.  If you are so darkly inclined you might would find yourself with a strange collection of things that others would find odd or spooky. Your personal collection space might be filled with lots of little Knick knacks to take pride in brooding over; medieval torture devices, gargoyle statues, pet spiders, and all sorts of darkly inclined collectibles.  One in particular that I am fond of, whether darkly inclined or not, would be a strait jacket. I have always had a fondness for this garment of the clinically insan


To find peace in some act or activity, whether voluntary or involuntary, is to take comfort at a personal level throughout one’s body and soul. Involuntarily, driving from one place to another with purpose, you might take comfort in finding that the trip was without fraught. Voluntarily, a “spot” of tea and a good book might provide this euphoric comfort.   Some, like myself, may take comfort in a hard rain on a tin roof at night that offers a peaceful sleep unencumbered by the ambient noises of nature within the night, providing that this storm doesn’t develop into some tempest that carry’s away the roof taking comfort with it. To accept that the earth moves away from the sun seasonally, is also to take comfort in a warm fire which provides the secondary comfort of fueling said fire while travelers to your door take comfort in seeing the smoke rise from your chimney.  I myself take comfort sometimes in removing my glasses to provide my sense of vision as well as the operating system o