
To find peace in some act or activity, whether voluntary or involuntary, is to take comfort at a personal level throughout one’s body and soul. Involuntarily, driving from one place to another with purpose, you might take comfort in finding that the trip was without fraught. Voluntarily, a “spot” of tea and a good book might provide this euphoric comfort.  
Some, like myself, may take comfort in a hard rain on a tin roof at night that offers a peaceful sleep unencumbered by the ambient noises of nature within the night, providing that this storm doesn’t develop into some tempest that carry’s away the roof taking comfort with it.
To accept that the earth moves away from the sun seasonally, is also to take comfort in a warm fire which provides the secondary comfort of fueling said fire while travelers to your door take comfort in seeing the smoke rise from your chimney. 
I myself take comfort sometimes in removing my glasses to provide my sense of vision as well as the operating system of the mind a break from allowing the light to cast upon images to be understood and reasoned. Of late, I take comfort in self denial where as it applies to food. I take comfort in that first drink of hot tea in the morning to hit me just perfect and carry its warmth through my veins, then after, I take comfort in self indulgence to find and repeat that moment of sensation.
What do you take comfort in.

Salutation Pending
Johnny R Draper.


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